DeSantis goes after Trump’s age by saying president is NOT the job for ‘someone pushing 80’ – but REFUSES to say of he thinks he is ‘unfit’ to serve despite Christie’s demands he answer

Chris Christie wouldn’t give up on Ron DeSantis after he refused to say whether 77-year-old Donald Trump is fit to serve another four years.

But the 45-year-old Florida governor fired back at Christie, saying anyone who “lives to 80” probably shouldn’t run for president.

The two clashed after debate moderator Megyn Kelly asked DeSantis whether he believes Trump is “mentally fit” to serve as president following a slew of attacks and ads targeting the ex-president’s age and blunders.

Instead of speaking about Trump’s mental competency, DeSantis focused on the age of it all — something that Christie, who urged his competitors to answer the questions asked, was not happy with.

“Father Time is undefeated, the idea that we’re going to put someone there who’s almost 80 and there’s going to be no consequences — we all know that’s not true,” DeSantis said. “And so we have an opportunity to shape the next generation of leaders and really move this country forward.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said the presidency is 'not a job for someone approaching 80' when asked if Donald Trump is 'mentally fit' to serve another four years

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said the presidency is ‘not a job for someone approaching 80’ when asked if Donald Trump is ‘mentally fit’ to serve another four years

Former President Donald Trump

President Joe Biden

Front-runners Donald Trump, 77, and Joe Biden, 81, have faced intense criticism due to their ages and questions often arise about whether they are mentally and physically fit for the job

“I think we need someone younger. I think if you get to 80, I don’t have a job for that.”

Age has been a major factor in the 2024 presidential race, with both parties having geriatric frontrunners.

When Trump was elected in 2016, he was the oldest person to ever become president, with Ronald Reagan in second place. President Joe Biden (81) defeated Trump by eight years when he was elected at the age of 78.

Christie said DeSantis, as well as the other two competitors on stage Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley, are “afraid” of attacking Trump.

“It’s not about fear,” DeSantis insisted. “The point is to point out — do you want to elect someone who will be older than Biden was when he left in 2021?”

“I don’t think he’s as bad as Biden,” he added, giving Trump credit. ‘But I do think that in a four-year period it is not a job for someone approaching 80. We need someone younger. We need someone who can go there and clean house on day one and do it for two terms.”

Because Trump had already been in office for four years, he would only be eligible for another four-year term. DeSantis says the US needs a Republican who can implement change eight years in a row.

Christie fired back at DeSantis’ initial response, demanding he make a judgment on whether Trump is mentally fit for office.

Gov. Chris Christie demanded DeSantis and his other 2024 competitors answer questions honestly, saying they are all 'afraid' of attacking Trump

Gov. Chris Christie demanded DeSantis — and his other 2024 competitors — answer questions honestly, saying they are all “afraid” of attacking Trump

The fourth Republican presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa was the most tense yet.  From left: Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy

The fourth Republican presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa was the most tense yet. From left: Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy

“Why can’t he just be honest?” the former New Jersey governor complained.

‘The question was very direct. Is he fit to be president or not? The rest of the speech is interesting, but not at all responsive. And if we were in a courtroom, they would find the answer.”

Christie’s frustration came after DeSantis took issue with Trump’s record on the national stage versus his record in Florida.

“I know this,” DeSantis countered to his 2024 rival, “we have the opportunity to nominate someone and elect for two terms someone who will turn nails from day one and for eight years.”

“We should not nominate someone who is almost 80 years old,” he reiterated.

Christe insisted that his colleagues answer the questions on the debate stage, noting, “I’m a simple guy, okay? I hear the question and I answer it.’

‘Is he fit or not? I’ll admit, you’re fit, Ron,” Christie told the Florida governor. ‘You are a new generation, you are 44 years old. I wish I was 44 years old.’

“45,” the father of three corrected.

“Well, congratulations. I would still take 45,” Christie said.

‘This is the problem with my three colleagues: they are afraid of offending. If you’re afraid of offending Donald Trump, what are you going to do when you sit across from President Xi, across from the Ayatollah, across from Putin.”

“You have to be willing to offend with the truth and answer the question,” he concluded.