Multi-Asset Income Investing In A 2024 Slowdown

Olivier Le Moal

By Karen Watkin, CFA, and Edward Williams

For multi-asset income investors, adapting portfolios for equity defense, credit potential and duration exposure should be on the docket for 2024.

Coming into 2023, many economists and market observers set

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Implied policy rate calculated using fed funds futures. Current line as of December 5, 2023.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. US stocks represented by MSCI USA Index, non-US stocks represented by MSCI World ex USA Index.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Quality and minimum volatility are represented by a 50/50 mix of the MSCI World Quality Index and MSCI World Minimum Volatility Index (three-month smoothed data). Staples, utilities and healthcare are represented by a 33%/33%/33% mix of the MSCI World Staples Index, MSCI World Utilities Index and MSCI World Healthcare Index. PMI SA: Purchasing Managers Index, seasonally adjusted. Left display as of October 31, 2023; right display as of November 30, 2023

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Left display: assets from left to right represented by Bloomberg US Aggregate Corporate Bond Index, Bloomberg US Corporate High Yield Bond Index, Bloomberg Pan European Aggregate Corporate Bond Index, Bloomberg Pan European High Yield Bond Index, Bloomberg EM USD Aggregate Bond Index, Bloomberg EM High Yield Bond Index. Left display as of November 30, 2023; right display as of October 31, 2023

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Long-dated Treasuries represented by Bloomberg US Treasury 20+ Year Index, equities represented by S&P 500 Index. As of November 30, 2023

Past performance does not guarantee future results. As of December 2023